Changing documentation

Documentation files in your local checkout

Most of the CSjark’s documentation is kept in CSjark/docs. You can simply edit or add ‘.rst’ files which contain ReST-markuped files. Here is a ReST quickstart but you can also just look at the existing documentation and see how things work.

Automatically test documentation changes

We automatically check referential integrity and ReST-conformance. In order to run the tests you need sphinx installed. Then go to the local checkout of the documentation directory and run the Makefile:

cd CSjark/docs
make html

If you see no failures chances are high that your modifications at least don’t produce ReST-errors or wrong local references. Now you will have .html files in the _build documentation directory which you can point your browser to!

Additionally, if you also want to check for remote references inside the documentation issue:

make linkcheck

which will check that remote URLs are reachable.

Automatic builds on Read The Docs

The CSjark project documentation is hosted at ReadTheDocs. Each commit to the repository triggers a new build of the documentation, therefore it always remains up to date.


Due to lack of support of the latest version of Python language specification (v3) by ReadTheDocs, the online developer manual does not contain source code overview section.